Everyone is Looking

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Today's first reading from 1 Samuel 3 is the story of the call of Samuel. When the LORD calls Samuel, he doesn't know what's going on. So Eli the priest tells him to say, "Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening." Words for us to live by.

In the Gospel reading from Mark 1, Jesus goes off to a deserted place to pray. When the people find Him, they tell Him, "Everyone is looking for you."

Now, while they may have been talking about the present moment, I submit this is a statement for all people for all time. Everyone is looking for something (or unbeknownst to them, someone) that will fulfill them. That someone is Jesus. A few folks may never find Him. But I believe most will find some cheap imitation of what Jesus offers. It's our job to let others know that what they're looking for is actually a Who - Jesus Christ.

Father, may our search always end in Jesus, and may we point other seekers to Him. Amen.

Today's Readings


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